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Adun Lei! Abiana marks her debut Photo Credit: Abiana

Adun Lei! Abiana marks her debut

Abiana has been in the limelight for years and has featured on recordings and live performances with several contemporary local musicians.

Signed to +233 Records in 2019, this natural songbird is poised to rise to dizzying heights in Ghanaian music circles and across the globe.

Her vocal dexterity and stagecraft are always enjoyed and appreciated by the patrons at the “+233 Jazz Bar and Grill” in Accra.

Directed by Yaw Skyface, the “ADUNLEI” video will serve music lovers with a breath of fresh air and a unique twist to Ghanaian music. It features local lakeside scenes as well as indoor shots.

“ADUNLEI” is the first single from her debut album titled “ALEMLE LALA”.

Subscribe to her Youtube Channel and follow her across social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Emmanuel Ghansah
Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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