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Questions with Ishak Spark

Questions with Ishak Spark Photo Credit: Ishak Spark spotlights one talented budding artiste by name Ishak Spark and we delve deep into his motivation to become an artiste and his game plan for the years ahead.

  • Can you describe your beginnings, what was life like as a child before the music came into play?

I was optimistic as a child, free spirited and always loved singing

  • When did you decide to become a recording artist?

People always approached me to want to do music with me because I was always singing no matter what I am doing.

  • How would you define your style of music?

I do every genre of music, from highlife, Afrobeat, dancehall, rap music to anything that catches my attention.

  • Do you feel any pressure to be as big as a past or current male artist like Sarkodie?

No pressure to be as big, the pressure is to put the music out there to get people listen to it

  • Tell us about your track with Yaa Pono and how that came about?

Joesun the producer came home and started playing something while I was out playing football, I came to hear what he had played and then I liked the beat, immediately I recorded on it and then he suggested we put Yaa Pono on it so I hit him up and he asked me to send the song to him, I did and within 20 minutes he sent me a verse.

  • How is it working with other artistes?

It’s very simple with the recording after they have agreed to do it

  • Speaking of collaborations is their anyone that you have not worked with as yet that you would love to get in the studio with for your next project?

Yes, artist like Sarkodie, Stonebwoy, Medikal are people I’m eyeing.

  • For the rest of us that may be confused, what’s the meaning behind the name Ishak Spark?

Ishak means I Stand High Above Kings and the Spark is the usual Spark we know, new energy, sparking a car, etc, lol.

  • Where do you see yourself going in 2021 and how do you plan to separate yourself from the other artists out today to get the recognition you feel you deserve?

In 2021 I see myself being one of the biggest artist in the world and to get that recognition, I plan on putting in more work than I use to.

  • Is there anything outside of music that you have a passion for? 

Before I answered this question I wanted to be sure of my answer, so I asked around what I have passion for outside music and everyone said music.

  • From your experiences so far in the industry, what advice would you give to up and coming artist with the hopes and dreams of one day landing a record deal?

To make sure they understand what they’re signing or signed for

  • Your goal in the music industry:

My goal is to be one of the biggest artist in the whole world.

  • Years from now what would you want the fans to say that Ishak Spark brought to the music world?

Hope that everyone can do it

  • Tell our viewers how they can find you online

I’m @ishakspark on Instagram Ishak Spark on Facebook

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Emmanuel Ghansah
Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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