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Lyrical Joe (LJ) unleashes anticipated maiden album, KIL!

Lyrical Joe (LJ) unleashes anticipated maiden album, KILL

The much anticipated moment has finally arrived and Friday the 2nd of March 2018 shall mark the rebirth of the word Greatness.

The resurgence of a moment that shall forever linger on our minds, as Ghanaian sensational hip hop act Lyrical Joe, LJ, releases the first batch (15 tracks) of his groundbreaking maiden album dubbed KIL!

We can almost unanimously agree that we have made quite an appreciable progress with the hip hop genre in Ghana since its inception and have made a major leap to a new paradigm where artists challenge the status quo by putting together not just an album, but that which symbolizes a beacon of hope that will always tease our intellect for many years to come.

The album which features household rap heavyweights like Flowking Stone, Gemini, Guru and other upcoming artists including ToffDawg and Shaike from the camp of Ghalatrava records has 25 tracks, of which 15 of them constitute “Part A”

Part A will be released to his fans, the Lyrical Republicans and the general public who have been with him in all his endeavors, in appreciation for the enormous love and unflinching support rallied behind him.

Album Art of KIL!

The 15 free tracks will also be distributed in every nook and cranny in Ghana to compensate for those fans who for one reason or the other might not be able to afford the luxury of getting access to the internet where most of the songs will be available for download.

The 10 remaining tracks will be up for purchase via the appropriate vending platforms that will be communicated in due time.

KIL! is an acronym for King In Limelight, a phrase which although is believed to be self-explanatory, also draws a multifaceted inspiration from the challenges and mediocrity he had to “kill” while growing up.

According to Lyrical Joe, KIL! promises not just to be mind-blowing, but will also stamp him as a final authority and alternative to the traditional cliche of African rap or hip hop albums filled with worship materialism, negativity, and women objectification.

Meanwhile, 5th August which happens to be one of the pre-released tracks is doing marvellously well in the music charts and has been tipped by most music critiques as a possible entrant into this year’s VGMAs in the category of best Hip-hop song.

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