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Give Dem! Nanky takes things to the next level on this massive tune

Sultan Incorporation signee, Nanky is here to disrupt your placid view with exotic visuals to his latest insertion dubbed, Give Dem.

The danceable tune is filled with buzzing bass lines and catchy hooks that synchronizes with the very upbeat instrumentation radiating throughout the song.

From the exotic sceneries and models featured to the bright colours and scenematic view, the entire project ought to be one worthy of multiple awards.

Produced by Qweecy Plus and mixed by the renowned sound engineer, Possigee, both audio and visuals portray excellence every step of the way.

It’s a high budget commitment aimed at seeing a Ghanaian production match up with those on the global music market.

Nanky just proved that he deserves a seat at the table with the top skankas. Stream Give Dem across all digital platforms here.

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Emmanuel Ghansah
Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.
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