Kofi Mole

All Time Favourite Ghanaian Love Songs

Here are some all time favourite Ghanaian love songs you can consider adding to your playlist in this month of love. They reflect themes of love and devotion.

I don’t play games – Sarkodie responds to Kofi Mole

Sarkodie denies missing the scheduled shoot of Kofi Mole's "Makoma".

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Kofi Mole releases ‘Yente’ – An empowering new song

Kofi Mole drops his latest hit "Yente," a powerful anthem about self-confidence and determination in the face of challenges.

Worla Quist, Ghana Music

Kofi Mole unleashes raw emotion in ‘Kick Off’

Watch Kofi Mole's "Kick Off" music video, where raw trap beats meets life's toughest issues, directed by Gawutse Rodolpho

Worla Quist, Ghana Music

DarkoVibes, Kofi Mole & Beeztrap KOTM release fire remix of ‘Seihor’

Seihor (Remix) by DarkoVibes, Kofi Mole, and Beeztrap KOTM delivers a powerful fusion of Afrobeat and contemporary rap.

Worla Quist, Ghana Music

Video: Apicki by Medikal feat. Kofi Mole & Kwesi Amewuga

Video for Medikal feat. Kofi Mole & Kwesi Amewuga directed by fifii Blue

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GYE NYAME! Kofi Mole serves 4-track EP with Kwaku DMC, Reggie Osei & Kofi Jamar – Listen Here NOW!

The EP also has songs like Holy Ground and Soul Satisfaction with production credits to Juiczx and Ebothegr8.

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Yopoo! Kofi Mole releases new song with Reggie Osei & Kwaku DMC

Rapper Kofi Mole has released a new single titled "Yopoo" featuring Reggie Osei and Kwaku DMC from his upcoming EP.

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Quamina MP and Kofi Mole drop latest highly-anticipated joint EP “Toopeezy” – Full Details HERE!

With their infectious energy and undeniable talent, Quamina MP and Kofi Mole are set to take the music world by storm with “Toopeezy”.

Emmanuel Ghansah

Lyrics: Awoyo Sofo by Kwaw Kese feat. Kofi Mole

Discover the lyrics of Kwaw Kese's song "Awoyo Sofo," which exposes false prophets who are dominating Christendom in Ghana.

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Video: Awoyo Sofo by Kwaw Kese feat. Kofi Mole

Label:Director: Rich SheffStudio:

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