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Could this video of Stephanie Benson kissing a fan crown her as the most daring Ghanaian artiste?

You won't believe your eyes when you see this!!!

It’s no news how free-spirited and controversial Stephanie Benson is but this viral video of her kissing a fan during a performance takes things to another level!

Stephanie Benson has got netizens scratching their heads in disbelief after she romantically locked lips with a random fan while performing at a private event.

Singing on one of her love-themed renditions in an ambiance that looks like a club, the Jazz specialist decided to transfer the passion from the song onto a male fan to underline the meaning of her song and performance.

One lucky guy was chosen and what a field day he had kissing the songstress passionately for minutes. In fact, it’s an unbelievable sight considering the fact Stephanie Benson married with five children.

She highlighted the moment in a tweet saying the guy he kissed was as cool as a cumcumber.

I’ll never forgot what this Ghanaian Gentleman looks like. I pulled him close, sang to him, played, kissed him and he was as cool as a cucumber. Didn’t lose his cool. Yessss Ladies, He was a big cool cucumber. Go find him…

Since taking on music commercially, Benson has entertained celebrities and important personalities at public and private events including the British royal household and Prince Charles, who said upon hearing her sing the first time, “You are one of the most amazing performers I’ve ever seen.”

Benson has performed at events hosted by the British royals including Princess Anne, and reportedly exceeded her 15-minute allotted performance time for Prince Charles to approximately an hour because he enjoyed her act.

She received another invitation to sing for Prince William before his wedding to Kate Middleton on 29 April 2011 (Wikipedia).

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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