Show / Concert

Event Review: Cardi B Livespot X Festival

The joy, excitement and social media buzz that followed the announcement of Cardi B coming into Ghana to headline Livespot X Festival quickly evaporated and condensed into disappointment, anger, and social media trolls when the event was held.

Forget that the tickets were capped between GH¢800- GH¢50, the eagerness to watch the American rapper perform on the Ghanaian soil was there!

What even threw the anxiety levels of the Livespot X Festival Accra attendees was when Cardi B kept on updating her Instagram stories with videos and pictures of a good time in Nigeria during the Livespot X Festival Lagos.

The joy!

So, when Cardi B jetted into Ghana on Sunday 8th December 2019, everyone or ticket holder or not was fired up for her headlined concert and also to catch a glimpse of the Ghanaian version of her Instagram stories updates.

What no one had anticipated was everything would turn up so bad in such a short time.


In case you don’t know what happened, here is the full thing. Some popular female celebrities made their way gleefully into the Kempinski Hotel to have a meet & greet with Cardi B.

The time in which they should have interacted with Cardi B passed by in a flash without the artist showing up.

It was to later to end in tears when Cardi B was seen in her Instagram stories update chewing Khebab adorned in a kente bikini at the Kempinski Hotel poolside.

The ladies were displeased as to the whole happening and left the hotel.

This issue is one none can still pinpoint as to why it happened. Probably the genesis could be traced to Cardi B’s Instagram Story video in which she took footage of her hotel suite and gasping at the size of the room.

Event Review: Cardi B Livespot X Festival
Photo Credit: ROB Photography

She concluded the video tour with “I need to have the party in here with the baddest bitches”.

Social media got lit up with buzzing female names being thrown in including some of the ladies who eventually made their way to the hotel Cardi B and her entourage lodged into.

But as to who made that call to get the ladies in there Becca took responsibility for it, but she said not all who where seen there were invited by here.

Now information from a deepthroat source divulged that it was one of the team members of Livespot Nation called Chichi who contacted the ladies. Becca and Bola Ray also called a few celebs to come around.


What everyone anticipated to be a great night of entertainment turned out to be the worst night on the Ghanaian entertainment calendar as it produced the worst event of the year!

Livespot Nation staged the concert but the exact production of the event was left in the hands-on Regis.

Regis, per our intelligence, was the main character in the production of the show from performances through to the equipment used.

He didn’t do a good job, did he?

Starting late amid glaring challenges that weren’t resolved properly, the LivespotX Festival was poor in all aspects bar Cardi B’s performance.

Even before her set, the crowd had begun to fly in bottles onto to express their displeasure with the lengthy break in performances that they had been made to endure.

Advertised to start at 4 PM, the concert official started with a performance by rapper Lyrical Joe minutes after the clock hit 8 PM.

With the first performance done, everyone finally expected the show to progress with the billed artists performing one after the other in relatively quick succession.

But this wasn’t the case.

Event Review: Cardi B Livespot X Festival
Photo Credit: ROB Photography

Rather, the audience was served with pointless breaks sandwiched with poor DJing by the selected DJs on the stage leaving many of them to fume and walk off the grass to sit in the stands.

And when the performances also started to trickle in, the stages lights and the LED screen went off.

Dark and empty, the concert attendees stood in disbelief as to what was happening. This was a Cardi B concert. A Grammy award winner’s concert why all these mishaps?

For Guru, Kweku Smoke and more to perform on that dark platform is still a wonder.

Oh, and at this point also the GH800 ticket holder was sharing their restricted area with ticket holders with lower prices and non-ticket holders also.

Yes, it was a free-gate-event hours into the concert.

It took over an hour to get the stage lights working again, and even after that, there was a long break before the next artists performed.

For humans who had been at the venue from 4 PM and with schedules to adhere to the next day (which was a Monday), you would clearly understand why they decided to bottles unto the stage when nothing was happening.

It took a member of Cardi B’s team to calm them down before Cardi B performed with her set.

Refreshing, entertaining and quite the value for money, Cardi B didn’t disappoint with her performance.

Quick note, Ghanaian DJs need to use common sense when working for crowds of certain demography. Let’s even move away from the fact that the event is being held in Ghana, you need to satisfy the people who turn up.

Play music that they love and not music would make you look cool to your imaginary fanbases.

What the Ghanaian DJs did on Sunday was beyond dumbness! You play 8 songs and out of those 8, only 2 are Ghanaian songs.

Event Review: Cardi B Livespot X Festival
Photo Credit: ROB Photography

Of the 2 Ghanaian songs even, you play 1 for 10seconds; are you not dumb!? How we have lost it all for social clout and hefty pockets is embarrassing now.

I mean how and why should it be that the DJ who played the most Ghanaian music was from Nigeria?

Livespot Nation shouldn’t organize any event in Ghana if they aren’t going to let the local expertise handle the production of their events.

Event Review

VENUE - 3.9



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