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Hajia 4Reall Pleads Guilty to Romance Scam; Prone to a 5-yr Jail term & restitution of over GHS 25,000,000 – Full Details HERE!

Mona Faiz Montrage, widely recognized as Hajia4Reall, has admitted guilt in connection to her participation in a West African criminal syndicate accused of perpetrating romance scams aimed at unsuspecting individuals in the United States.

Ghanaian socialite Mona Faiz Montrage, popularly referred to as Hajia4Reall, reportedly pleaded guilty on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, in a U.S. Magistrate court regarding her involvement in a fraud case, sparking significant discussion and attention on social media.

Here are some key details about the ongoing development:

  • Hajia4Reall admitted guilt solely to count 5, which involves conspiracy to receive stolen money, out of the seven charges she faced.
  • The remaining six charges against Mona Faiz Montrage include attempted and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire, radio, or television fraud, money laundering, fraud, sale or receipt of stolen goods, securities money, and a felony.
  • Count 5, considered a felony, could lead to a maximum imprisonment of five years.
  • The court has permitted Hajia4Reall the option to surrender her properties, valued at $2,164,758.41, to settle the stolen money repayment.
  • She affirmed that her guilty plea was not made under duress but was a well-considered decision in her best interest.
  • Despite her guilty plea, the formal sentencing process may take several months. She is scheduled for a control date on May 31st.
  • The sentencing will take place at the US District Court, presided over by Judge Paul A. Crotty, after admitting her guilt before Judge Sarah Cave at the magistrate court.

Additionally, investigations revealed that Hajia4Reall allegedly acquired over $2 million from six victims through five bank accounts established using fictitious business entities across three different banks in Bronx, New York.


Mona Faiz Montrage, also known as Hajia4Reall/Mona4Reall, was extradited from the United Kingdom to the United States over alleged involvement in a $2 million romance scam targeting older, single Americans.

The 30-year-old musician and businesswoman appeared in Manhattan federal court on Monday, May 15, as per US federal prosecutors.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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