Wegeiwor preaches gospel to the communities with “Zaman Duniya”
Gospel singer Wegeiwor, is using a different approach to her maiden EP titled “Ibada”; by releasing singles off the EP first.
Humility and integrity must be foremost in leadership – Wegeiwor
Wegeiwor has had her turn on Daakye Kanea, a Ghanaian podcast that throws spotlight on noble Women Leaders in our country.
When did we get here? – WegeiWor on Tracey Boakye, Mzbel menace
She is currently promoting “Kuzoku Duba” off her upcoming album.
Wegeiwor explores Northern Ghana’s tourism in music video
Wegeiwor serves us a very calm and melodious song video that is inspired by the story of the woman Jesus met at the well in John 4:29.
Meet Wegeiwor: a female academic with a heart for God
Wegeiwor released her debut album in 2012 titled “Oh Jesus”.
Video Premiere: Ku Zo Ku Duba by Wegeiwor
Label: Abor MuzikDirector: Studio:
Gospel singer, Wegeiwor releases inspiring new song ‘Kuzo Ku Duba’
Ghanaian gospel singer, Wegeiwor is out with a new single titled 'Kuzo Ku Duba' meaning 'Come and Witness'.