Federation Of Concerned Arts Professionals (FOCAP)

FOCAP calls for forensic audit of ARSOG accounts

Nii Atakora Mensah

FOCAP is watching with keen interest and excitement of the happenings of ARSOG and we wish to extend a big congratulation to all the petitioners who made it possible for the injunction that was placed on the elections finally end up in court.

FOCAP is well informed that the court has given till November 7th 2017 for the parties to resolve the issues and return back to inform the court. We believe this is a good step forward since this would help us find a lasting solution for the problems ARSOG is going through now.

Nevertheless, FOCAP Is urging both Copyright Administration and all positive minded members / stakeholders of ASORG who want to see the institution work, to call for a full forensic audit into the financial position of the institution. We have followed carefully happenings in the creative arts industry to know that from the inception of COSGA till date none of the leaders have been held accountable for their stewardship properly and FOCAP believes this has only lead to the impunity we are all witnessing therefore making these leaders and board members get away with huge financial malfeasance which will eventually institutionalize corruption in the industry.

FOCAP believes it is time for members of ARSOG to wake up and push for their rights. As per the ARSOG legislative instrument, performers (actors & actresses) are entitled to Twenty-One (21%) Percent of all levies given to ARSOG and since 2012 none of them have received a penny. Although board members receive Board Allowances, Icon Cash Awards, Per Diem, Levy, Board Honorarium, Local Travel, Hotel Accommodation and Food and Entertainment allowances.

FOCAP is also well informed of the unique and powerful role the office of the Copyright Administrator plays in the running of all collecting societies and we would like to petition the office to assist in solving this ARSOG problem just as it started by requesting a mediation meeting between the parties, to make sure a full forensic audit is conducted. We can say with full authority that the Copyright Office has a good blueprint and roadmap in solving issues of this nature based on what we have seen the office do to now Ghamro.

Through the office of the Copyright Administrator, licenses are renewed by the Attorney General for the collecting societies and this is done based on the submitted audited report. With the levels of allegations levelled against ARSOG’s report for the past five years, we believe that a forensic audit is necessary. If government is ready and using all mechanism to fight corruption, then its high time the creative industry emulate the bigger picture.

Players in the Creative Arts Industry keep saying there is no capital investment from government but its almost becoming clear that, some leaders of various sectors are not managing our affairs transparently to attract further investment.

FOCAP would once again want to say a thank you to all members of ARSOG and especially the petitioning parties for this bold step. Indeed unity is strength.

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