Kwame Dabie, a young rising star, has released a new EP called The Purgatory Saga 2 which contains four songs that tell a tale of a roadman.
The first installment of the project was a compilation of heartfelt freestyles by the Tema-based rapper released on July 4th, 2020.
The current installment maintains the sincere nature of Kwame Dabie’s delivery across the four-track EP.
The Purgatory Saga 2′ relates stories from Kwame’s life, emphasizing the hardships and temptations that come with the journey towards success, as well as how he tries to overcome them.
The rapper believes he’s going through a hard phase in his life where he is cleansing himself for better days ahead of him as the concept of “Roadman” reveals in the opening track.
This theme of spiritually cleansing himself is again repeated in “Demon Smiling” where he’s prayed for in the hook while he’s out trying to survive.
Dabie continues his roadman tales on the braggadocious “Run” and closes the ep on the drill-produced “Our Land”.
All songs were mixed and mastered by Webzy with production credits to Troy J (Roadman), DAJvandyke (Demon Smiling), Webzy (Run), Troy J & Ninety8KO (Our Land).
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