
Coded hits out on someone in new ‘Edey Pain Dem’ single

Coded of 4×4 has just released a new single and it’s safe to say January 2018 has been the period for all kinds of shots from artists to artists.

Whether subliminally or directly the Ghana music universe is being fed with good music that is raising desire among the consumers due to its controversial nature.

And Coded is the latest in line with his ‘Edey Pain Dem‘ single which you could choose to read meanings into it. The song has numerous questions unanswered like Who e dey pain that he has got a new contract?

On ‘Edey Pain Dem’, Coded talks about an unknown figure who is jealous or envious of his acquired possessions including his Zara clothing, mansion and God’s blessings upon him

Coded could have saved consumers a lot of time by being direct because, of course, we all have stuff to do; We can’t carry his song like plantain chips on us.

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