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Castro to be officially declared dead on Wednesday 7th July 2021!

It's been 7 years since his viral drowning incident!

Theophilus Tagoe, popularly known by his stage name “Castro,” who in 2014 mysteriously disappeared while on vacation in Ada, located in the Southern part of Ghana, is set to declared dead on Wednesday 7th July.

The case has gradually turned cold as various speculations about the star’s disappearance have not yielded any real outcomes. What went down during that fateful day that resulted in Castro Ghanaian Musician to never be seen again? Might he still be alive enjoying the good life in an undisclosed location?

There is so much speculation making it even harder to separate the reality from gossip. And it all makes sense since no one has ever discovered the guy’s whereabouts. It is now more than five years since he was last spotted.

Some have stood their ground and are hoping for him to return. However, others have settled on the ideology that he died

When did Castro die? You are probably wondering whether stories of Castro in Australia are true. Disappearance cases are hard to solve, and when the search region consists of a large water body, there is a low chance for interested parties to find resolve. That is why his unique case is exceptionally befuddling.

One of Ghana’s famous footballers, Asamoah Gyan accompanied Castro on that fateful holiday. To understand what happened to Castro, and why it sparked great attention all over Ghana, it is integral to know more about his journey. Where did it all start?

It all happened on Sunday, July 6, 2014, when the entire universe received the sad news of Castro’s indefinite disappearance. What events led to him missing and about to be considered dead neatly six years later?

Many people have been enjoying Castro songs for a long time, and he had amassed quite a following in Ghana. Nobody anticipated his departure from the music industry based on that fateful day. Castro was on tour with his long-time friend Asamoah Gyan, whom they had even recorded a hit song with.

They were having a good time at a holiday destination in Ada.

According to Gyan, this was the first time they visited Aqua Safari. The relaxation spot was full of amazing things to do, and the group choose to go for a Jest ski. However, Castro did not get an opportunity to partake in the first ride.

And that is how he developed a tremendous interest in going for a thrill-seeking jet ski ride after learning of his friend’s fun moments on the water.

Castro picked Janet and without wearing life jackets, sped off into the depths of the water body, never to be spotted again. It was only after owners of the jet skis started complaining that the group began to panic.

Although many have been looking forward to when Castro returns, his long disappearance has, in a way, confirmed many people’s fears. According to Ghana’s laws, Castro will be declared dead in 2021 if he does not appear.

The founder and leader of Cosmos Affran Ministries, Prophet Cosmos Walker, has even gone further to reiterate that Castro is still alive. Are these allegations true? It is hard knowing, and only an appearance of the star would substantiate these claims.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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