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MUSIGA Workshop in Tamale: Digital Revenue Generation Insights Deployed – Full Details HERE!

Enhancing Digital Competencies: MUSIGA's Impactful Workshop Series in Tamale.

The Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) conducted its concluding workshop in Tamale on May 30 and 31, 2024, as part of the ‘Leveraging Digital Tools to Generate Revenue’ series.

The programme, sponsored by the Ghana Skills Development Fund (GSDF) follows two earlier sessions held in Accra and Kumasi, and marks the completion of this impactful series.

Renowned industry expert Kwabena Ofei-Kwadey Nkrumah aka Kobby Spikey led the sessions, providing participants with valuable insights and practical skills to harness digital tools for revenue generation.

The workshop covered various topics, including creating content, online music distribution, and effective use of social media platforms.

The initiative aims to equip musicians with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital age and ensure sustainable income streams. Attendees expressed their appreciation for the comprehensive training and the opportunity to enhance their digital competencies.

S.K Agyemang, General Secretary of MUSIGA, remarked, “This workshop series has been a monumental step forward for our musicians. By embracing digital tools, we are empowering our members to reach global audiences and generate substantial revenue. We are grateful to the Ghana Skills Development Fund (GSDF) for their support in making this possible.”

Idris Baba, the Northern Regional Chairman of MUSIGA, added, “hosting the final workshop in Tamale has been an honor. Our local musicians are now better equipped to navigate the digital landscape, and I am confident we will see a positive impact on their careers and the music industry as a whole.”

As part of this initiative, MUSIGA will establish a Technical Resource Centre at its Accra office. This center will serve as a hub for continuous learning and support, offering resources and guidance to musicians navigating the digital landscape.

MUSIGA extends its gratitude to GSDF for their generous support and to all participants who made the workshops a success. The union remains committed to empowering Ghanaian musicians through education and resource provision.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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