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Wegeiwor preaches gospel to the communities with “Zaman Duniya”

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Photo Credit: Wegeiwor

Gospel singer Wegeiwor, is using a different approach to her maiden EP titled “Ibada”; by releasing singles off the EP first.

These will take place before she serves her ‘hungry’ fans the full catalogue which further explains why the second single off the EP is out.

Zaman Duniya”, the title of the 2nd single is a Gospel song (which preaches positivity) sang in Hausa, her local dialect.

The song encourages people to sow seeds of genuineness in honesty. The concept of the song was taken out of the Book of Galatians 6:7.

Living in this world is likened to farming. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap, Galatians 6:7. ‘Zaman Duniya’ is a beautiful Hausa rendition of this scripture”, Wegeiwor explains.

The song is out on Digital Platforms, available for streams and downloads.

Also below is an earlier song she released about a month ago titled “First Love”; it’s the lead single off her “Ibada” EP.

Kindly follow Wegeiwor on
Instagram & Twitter: @WegeiworMusic
Facebook: Wegeiwor

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