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Ticket sales for Sarkodie Live In Columbus Ohio spikes after Yvonne Nelson book launch – AK24 Entertainment CEO

AK24 Entertainment’s CEO, Big Sam, has given pointers on how artiste are selected to headline events abroad during an interview to promote the Sarkodie Live In Columbus Ohio concert.

In the interview with Sammy Flex on CTV, Big Sam confidently stated, “It wasn’t a hard decision to put Sarkodie on our show due to his huge catalogue.”

Moreover, he revealed that the ongoing conversations surrounding Yvonne Nelson and Sarkodie has significantly contributed to a surge in ticket sales.

With the anticipation mounting and tickets selling like wildfire, the AK24 Entertainment show featuring Sarkodie promises to be an unforgettable experience for music enthusiasts.

Tickets to Sarkodie Live In Columbus Ohio can be purchased at www.ak24ent.com. Further information can be sought on phone via 614-699-3533.

AK24, known for organizing extraordinary and unforgettable events in Columbus, is expected to pull off another event in epic style.

Under Big Sam’s visionary leadership, AK24 Entertainment seeks to continue giving out the best events to Ghanaians in the Diaspora.

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