For the unfortunate display of obscenity on my personal SnapChat platform on Tuesday, June 19 – a material that was mistakenly posted by one of my associates, I apologize to the people of Ghana for such unpleasant exhibition.
I apologize to all SM fans who felt and still feel slighted by such a move. My sincere apology to my label, Zylofon Music and also to all my Corporate Partners.
The brand Shatta Wale is a law-abiding one; one that will not do anything untoward to bring it and its partners into disrepute.
The brand would also not do anything to affect the sensibilities of the large following and support it commands.
Finally, I apologize to the media for any unfortunate outbursts that were directed at them concerning this incident.
Thank you.
-Signed –
Charles Nii Armah Mensah (Shatta Wale)