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Rocky Dawuni to feature on World Environment Day Concert

Now more than ever, we need to make peace with nature. This is the moment for us all to come together and reimagine the world in which we live.

Given the deep pain of the past year, this World Environment Day is a good time to revisit how we can move forward to restore our communities, our ecosystems, and our climate.

We all have the power to inspire action, and we hope that through this virtual celebration, people around the globe will discover ways in which they can step up and take action.

We cannot turn back time, but we can stop destructive investments, clean up our waterways, green our cities, invest in a renewable future and plant new seeds.

The world is in dire need of repair, but the solutions already exist. This World Environment Day, join musicians, poets, thought leaders, politicians and youth activists for a powerful event to inspire restoration and collective recovery.

Rocky Dawuni to feature on World Environment Day Concert
World Environment Day Concert

United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Environment for Africa and GRAMMY nominated musician, Rocky Dawuni will be joining a legendary line up of artists including Patti Smith, Ben Harper, Michael Stipe, Dave Mathews, Jack Johnson as well as leaders from around the world including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to celebrate World Environment Day as well as to launch the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.

Dawuni’s eloquence, cultural diplomacy and successful melding of music and activism have led him to become a passionate spokesperson for various global causes most importantly the critical issues affecting our environment.

Rocky recently released a new EP “Voice of Bunbon, Vol. 1” (pronounced “boon-bon”) which explores the diversity of his signature “Afro Roots” sound fusing modern and traditional musical trends in Ghana and across the continent.

The EP is a diverse sonic experience with songs ranging from acoustic to beat driven anthems to cultural explorations utilizing aspects of Afrobeats, Highlife, Reggae, Soul, Pop and traditional African music.

The gorgeous “Beautiful People” video from the EP “celebrates the sacrifices that have to be made to manifest our hopes and dreams. If those intentions are driven by a mission of service for the communal good, it will ultimately create ripples of positive energy that could resonate through generations.”

Please JOIN US for the World Environment Day livestream concert happening on June 4th at 3 p.m EST (7pm GMT / 12pm PST)

You’ll be able to watch live on this website or on the Facebook pages of 350.org, Pathway to Paris, UN Environment Programme, and UN Environment Programme North America

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